Recorded Meditations

Surrounded By Love Meditation

Sometimes it’s easy to feel lonely. Particularly during COVID Times, isolation can be a constant struggle. I like this thought exercise to feel the long and practical history of how people in my life have shown me love. I do cringe a little thinking of how many more of the things that surround me were brought there by a click of the mouse instead of a trip to the store with someone I share great love with. 

It’s hard to feel a similar kind of love and connection from our Amazon purchases, but I do like to sometimes trip out on the supply chain that gets my yoga ball from petroleum in the ground to a Chinese factory to an Amazon delivery truck to the back of my closet, never to be used. If you’re short on sentimental memories of acquisition, you can always try that. Lots of people worked hard to get me that yoga ball. 

This is way more thinky than meditatey, but I hope it helps you feel connected and loved.

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