Guided Meditation

Mega Metta Meditation

Metta is a meditation that aims to extend your sense of compassion, a word most often translated as “loving kindness.” Sharon Salzberg has lived a mission of bringing this lovely practice to as many people as possible, and has some great meditations that are more traditionally Buddhist. Here is my little flavor of it. 

I love the open-hearted feeling I get from metta meditation, but miss the focus that comes with paying attention to the breath. I like to pair my inhalation and exhalation with my well-wishes for each of these categories of beings. That way I feel like I’m getting the benefit of both focused breathing and metta.  

Take a second before you start to bring to mind an individual in the following categories of people:

  1. Someone easy to love – your child, your pet, a dear friend, a favorite colleague
  2. Someone hard to love – a difficult boss, your child (again), a contentious colleague, your alcoholic uncle
  3. Someone you know is struggling right now

This will lighten the cognitive load while you’re filling your heart with goodwill. Let’s go!

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